60-second interview with Emma Facey TEP

Tuesday, 27 February 2024
STEP’s committees play a key role in the governance of STEP. We spoke to Emma Facey TEP who is a member of STEP’s Council as well as the England and Wales Regional Committee about her experiences as part of raising awareness for the opportunities to get more involved at STEP.

How did you first become involved with STEP? Did anyone encourage you to do so?

I was exposed to STEP very early in my career. I was fortunate to be a trainee in Patricia Wass' team and I saw her role and involvement with STEP go from chair of our local branch to chair of STEP Worldwide. While I didn't work directly in her team upon qualification (I joined our litigation team) she encouraged me to sign up to the complete the STEP Diploma and enhance my legal knowledge and to then get involved with my local branch to expand my network.

Tell us about your role/s within STEP and what they entail.
I have a few roles at present. I am currently the deputy chair of West of England – my local branch. I have just stepped down as chair and consequently my role at present is to help and support our new chair with running our events for our members and to assist with the admin that comes with it.

I am also on the England and Wales committee, and I am a council representative for Wales and West. This is the bigger role, and it involves thinking about what we need to do and focus on for all of our members in England and Wales and consequently we I then get to discus the biggest issues with my follow council members. I only joined council during the year last year so I have only attended two meetings. I am still finding my feet in this role, but I can see that the Board heavily rely on its council members to keep it up to speed and aware of the challenges the members are facing to ensure it can meet the needs of its members and make sure its vision and mission remains relevant.
What do you enjoy most about your roles within STEP?

The amazing people I get to meet. I find it quite surreal at times, I can find myself in a discussion, or around a table with the people who I have admired and looked up to as I have progressed through my career. I have had the opportunity to meet some of the most talented people in the industry.
What is the best thing about being part of STEP’s committees and governance?

The network – as I mentioned above I have met many incredibly talented individuals – I know who to go to when I don’t know the answer!

What would you say to someone thinking of putting themselves forward for an elected position at STEP, particularly if they might not be sure they would fit in?

Do it! It is amazing and everyone is welcome… and we need lots of different people with different perspectives and backgrounds to represent the membership which is made up of lots of different people with different perspectives and backgrounds. Also – there is no mould to fit into – STEP is for everyone so you do not need to worry about not fitting in!
Is there anything else you’d like to share?

If you are thinking about getting involved and want to know more – reach out to me, or any else that volunteers with STEP and they will connect you to the right people to explore how you can be involved.

All of the committee volunteering opportunities are on the STEP website.

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Emma Facey TEP

Emma Facey TEP is a Legal Director (Solicitor) at Foot Anstey and she advises national charities who have been left a gift in a will. She is a qualified STEP member and has roles with STEP West of England, England and Wales regional committee and STEP Council.