Why take this course?
Contentious probate and trust cases are on the rise due to the increasing complexity of family structures including the increased number of second marriages and cohabiting couples but also demographic changes, most notably the increasing ageing demographic and rise in cases of dementia. The Contentious Estates course will enable you to deal more effectively with this type of work and ultimately avoid or mitigate stress for your clients.
Our experts
The course has been developed by expert practitioners Paula Myers TEP of Irwin Mitchell LLP, Richard Dew TEP of Ten Old Square, Toby Graham of Farrer and Co and the STEP Contentious Estates Special Interest Group in response to a steady rise in contentious probate cases over recent years.
Who can take this course?
The course is designed predominantly for practitioners in England and Wales but also for international practitioners focused on international issues. This course is suitable for contentious lawyers and other practitioners (for example, non-contentious lawyers, accountants offering probate, family law practitioners and charity lawyers) wishing to enhance their knowledge of what can go wrong if wills and probate are not prepared properly.
How will I learn?
The course is delivered online and on-demand and requires approximately 30 hours of study. You will have access to the material for 12 months, during which you can work through the topics at your own pace. An optional end of course multiple choice assessment is included, with successful students receiving a certificate of completion.
What will I learn?
The course combines technical knowledge with practical application of the law and procedures involved, building a foundation of knowledge in dealing with contentious estates on which to build further expertise.
The course comprises the following modules:
- Disputed wills
- Interpretation, rectification and construction of wills
- Administration disputes
- Inheritance Act 1975 claims
- Settlement and compromise of claims
- Insolvent estates
- The Court of Protection and statutory wills
- Claims against professionals
- International succession disputes
- International administration disputes
- Forced heirship claims
- Costs
- STEP members: GBP545.00
- Non-members: GBP595.00
This course is run by our education training partner CLTI
If you are an employer or STEP Employer Partner looking to purchase multiple licenses for your employees’ learning and development please contact CLTI for details of pricing.
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