Helping you achieve your goals

Helping you achieve your goals

Over the past few months, STEP has been reviewing and updating its continuing professional development (CPD) policies and procedures in preparation for the 2022 CPD audit review. The purpose of the review was to ensure the CPD documentation is still fit for purpose and, as a result, STEP has introduced a new CPD Audit Policy and CPD Audit Appeals Policy.

STEP is currently undertaking an audit review of CPD records to ensure that members are achieving their goals and meeting the expectations of their key stakeholders. Two per cent of members have been randomly selected for the audit and will have two months to respond. We encourage members to use STEP’s online CPD planning and recording tool to submit their CPD records.

For a CPD record to be signed off, auditors will need to see the following:

  • Notes to show a member has considered their job description and identified what they aim to achieve for the year ahead.
  • Planned actions that support or improve the skills needed in their role.
  • A review of the CPD actions stating whether they achieved the CPD aims or prompted a member to plan further actions. This can be part of or attached to one’s CPD record.

If you have been selected for audit and do not respond, your STEP membership may be at risk.

Outcomes‑based approach

It is important to remember that STEP uses an outcomes‑based approach to CPD, which focuses on whether professionals are maintaining and building competence, rather than simply counting the number of hours spent in training. This requires members to use a role‑based approach to CPD planning and recording. Role‑based CPD involves reviewing one’s current job description and the new skills or knowledge that one will need in the year ahead to plan their CPD activities. We also require members to undertake at least one hour of ethics‑related CPD as part of their annual CPD requirement.

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